Sunday Morning
Worship Times
First Service: 8:30-9:45
Second Service: 10:00-11:15
Third Service: 11:30-12:45
You are invited to cover the Pregnancy Centers of Middle Tennessee with prayer on the last Monday of every month, between 11:30-1 PM. Participants may come to the Columbia Center (704 Dunnington St., Columbia, 38401) and walk room to room with a self-guided prayer sheet with specific prayer requests. A representative will be present for any questions. You can find more…
Please mark your calendars to join us for a special service to ordain and install our new deacons and elders. This service will be held on Sunday, February 2nd at 3 PM at Parish.
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You are invited to cover the Pregnancy Centers of Middle Tennessee with prayer on the last Monday of every month, between 11:30-1 PM. Participants may come to the Columbia Center (704 Dunnington St., Columbia, 38401) and walk room to room with a self-guided prayer sheet with specific prayer requests. A representative will be present for any questions. You can find more…
Please mark your calendars to join us for a special service to ordain and install our new deacons and elders. This service will be held on Sunday, February 2nd at 3 PM at Parish.
Need Prayer?We’ll Pray For You!
Worship Notes
The middle portion of Stephen’s address to the Sanhedrin in Acts 7 concerns the life of Moses. In particular, he highlights the Israelites’ continual resistance to the leadership of the “man God sent as both ruler and redeemer” (Acts 7:35). Many of the psalms and hymns in the service this morning urge us not to make this same mistake. We…
Light has been a consistent motif found in Christmas celebrations throughout history. From the legend of St. Lucy’s candle headdress which enlivens the winter solstice in Scandinavia, to the “star singer” processions of central Europe where children re-enact the visit of the Magi while singing hymns, these images point to Christ as “the true light” (John 1:9) and “a light…
Light has been a consistent motif found in Christmas celebrations throughout history. From the legend of St. Lucy’s candle headdress which enlivens the winter solstice in Scandinavia, to the “star singer” processions of central Europe where children re-enact the visit of the Magi while singing hymns, these images point to Christ as “the true light” (John 1:9) and “a light…