Continuing Saul’s story from Acts 9 that we began last week, in today’s sermon text we find that Saul’s entire character has been turned upside down by his encounter with Jesus. This former persecutor of the church cannot help declaring the name of his Savior—as Luke writes, “immediately he proclaimed Jesus in the synagogues” (Acts 9:20). Like Saul, our lives have also been radically transformed by Jesus. So like Saul, let’s declare this morning that we stand on the solid rock of Christ, and all other ground is sinking sand (My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less). Let’s confess our love for Him, and our desire to resign all the follies of sin because of His sacrificial love for us (My Jesus, I Love Thee). Let’s proclaim to a world lost in sin our desire to labor for His glory throughout our lives (To Live Is Christ). Let’s remember to “cling alone to Jesus as did the saints of yore” in the face of hardships and trials (From Babel To Zion). Jesus is our one foundation, and He promises to guide, sustain, and cherish us until the end (The Church’s One Foundation). May this “loud refrain,” inherited from the prophets and apostles and continuing to this very day (Holy God, We Praise Your Name), be found in our church and all believing churches, “from morn to set of sun.” —Henry C. Haffner
Posted by Henry Haffner
Categories: Worship Notes