The Scripture passages we read this morning, as well as the psalms and hymns we sing, point to the living Jesus Christ as the source of all life. We are called into worship by Psalm 16, declaring that the Lord “make[s] known to us the path of life.” We respond with two exuberant psalms that thank God for His life-giving…
Q. What doth the resurrection of Christ profit us? A. First, by His resurrection He has overcome death, that He might make us partakers of that righteousness which He had purchased for us by His death; secondly, we are also by His power raised up to a new life; and lastly, the resurrection of Christ is a sure pledge of…
I always look forward to Palm Sunday every year. The sight of the church decked out in greenery puts me in the mood for celebration, thinking of springtime and the promise of Easter just a week away. But given the events that took place here in Middle Tennessee this past week, I know I’m picking up my palm branch much…
While we have been on a journey through the Ten Commandments since January, our companion for the last five weeks of this series has been Lord, Hear My Voice, a new setting of Psalm 61. This Davidic psalm was possibly written while the king was fleeing from his son Absalom’s rebellion (see 2 Samuel 15-19). Like the Israelites wandering in…
Betty Scott Stam served as a missionary to China in the 1930s and was killed by communists for her belief in the Gospel. As a high-schooler, she wrote this prayer: “Lord, I give up my own plans and purposes, all my own desires, hopes and ambitions… Work out Thy whole will in my life at any cost, for to me…
While the Pharisees were accusing Him of giving false testimony (John 8:13), Jesus told His own followers, “If you abide in My word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32). This morning’s service is built around this contrast between truth and lies. We ask the Lord to…
This morning’s service speaks to contentment: our lack of it, and God’s infinite ability to supply our deficiencies. Having been called into worship with Psalm 16, which tells us that “the Lord is our chosen portion,” we respond with Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing, admitting that we are quick to wander after the things of this world. In May…
Continuing our series on the Ten Commandments, this morning we’ll be looking at the seventh commandment. While obviously applying to fidelity in marriage, the prohibition of adultery is also a comprehensive call to purity before a Holy God. As such, the Scriptures we read and the psalms and hymns we sing encourage us to purity in our thoughts, words, and…
Q. What is required in the sixth commandment? A. The sixth commandment requireth all lawful endeavours to preserve our own life, and the life of others. —Westminster Shorter Catechism, Question 68 The service this morning focuses on the contrast between life and death. We are invited into worship with John 6:35, in which Jesus proclaims, “I am the bread of…
Of all the ten commandments, one could make the argument that none is more offensive to 21st century sensibilities than the fifth. Especially when its broader implications towards ancestors, place, and all legitimate authority are taken into account, “Honor your father and your mother” seems blasphemous to the contemporary mind. In a society that blames all manner of ills on…