At the beginning of Galatians 5, Paul reminds us that Christ has set us free from bondage to the law (Galatians 5:1) and that this freedom should drive to us love and serve one another (Galatians 5:13). Many of the hymns in the service this morning call our attention to the freedom purchased by Christ. In Martin Luther’s From Heaven…
… brothers, we are not children of the slave but of the free woman. —Galatians 4:31 Though this morning’s sermon text seems a bit obscure, Paul points us to a glorious truth here at the end of chapter 4: that we are Abraham’s children, and that as his rightful heirs we are called to freedom rather than bondage. Today we’ll…
“Kingdomtide” is a liturgical season observed primarily by Presbyterians and Methodists since the early 20th century, with a focus on personal spiritual growth and the growth of the Kingdom of God. During this season, which continues up until Advent, special emphasis is placed on acts of service, teaching, and evangelism within our communities. You’ll notice that we begin this morning’s…
“Unfathomable grace.” This line from the hymn Light Of The Anxious Heart kept coming to mind as I was reading this week’s text from Galatians in preparation for the worship service. True, the word “grace” doesn’t actually occur in this passage, but the concept saturates it entirely. Abraham was saved by God’s gracious promise, not through the law of…
It is a strange moment preaching for my last time at Parish Presbyterian Church. The nine years that my family and I have been able to walk with this church have been precious to us. I will be forever grateful to Parish for graciously listening to me as a young preacher and patiently dealing with me as a young pastor.…
As we’ve been working through this series on Galatians, I have been following along in Martin Luther’s masterful commentary on the book, which both Pastors George and Cam have mentioned in their sermons. Coming to this week’s Keystone verse, Galatians 2:20, Luther lets loose with 10 pages of commentary on this verse alone. He writes, “These words, ‘the Son…
Several times the past two weeks, we have heard the book of Galatians described as a “one stringed harp,” a letter with a single-minded focus on the gospel of Christ. You’ll find a similar single-mindedness in the hymns we sing this morning: just as Paul’s narrative of his own conversion and ministry puts Christ front and center, each of our…
Foolish hearts why will ye wander from a love so true and deep? Here at the beginning of Galatians 1, Paul wastes no time expressing his dismay that the churches he has nurtured in the faith have drifted from the doctrines of grace back into man-centered religion. The temptation to rely upon works of the law or human goodness for…
In his commentary on Paul’s letter to the Galatians, Martin Luther has this to say of verse three: “These two words, grace and peace, comprehend in them whatsoever belongeth to Christianity.” This morning, we’ll be reading and singing quite a bit about grace and peace. The Gospel Invitation from 2 Corinthians declares, “You know the grace of our Lord Jesus…
After fifteen weeks of walking through the book of Ecclesiastes, we come to what the Preacher calls “the end of the matter.” You may notice that many of the hymns we sing this morning have appeared earlier in this series. Pastor Grant’s sermon on Chapter One was paired with Hear Me, All You People (Psalm 49), comparing the Preacher’s lament…