Much like today’s sermon text from Ecclesiastes 3, many of the hymns we sing this morning mention aspects of God’s sovereignty over time. His truth has “at all times firmly stood, and shall from age to age endure” (All People That On Earth Do Dwell—Psalm 100). We are not to “fear the trying hour” (Incarnate God!—Psalm 91), but instead wait…
Today, we observe Ascension Sunday, perhaps the most neglected of the “five evangelical feasts” which are celebrated in most Christian traditions (along with Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, and Pentecost). This day marks the commemoration of the events of Acts 1:6-11 when Jesus completed His earthly ministry by ascending into Heaven and sitting down at the right hand of the Father.…
When writing Hear Me, All You People Hear—Psalm 49 back in the summer of last year, I made an off-hand comment to Mirandi and Elizabeth that, because the music was so dark, we could probably only ever use it in Lent— unless we had a sermon series on something really unusual, something like … Ecclesiastes. Well, providentially, that series is…
This week, Pastor Grant begins a new sermon series working through the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, with its troubling refrain of “all is vanity and a striving after wind” (Ecclesiastes 1:14, 1:17, 2:11, 2:17, 2:26, 4:4, 4:6, 4:16, 6:9). Paired with this meditation on the folly of human striving apart from the grace of God, we’ll read scriptures from…
In today’s sermon text from Romans 15, the apostle Paul unfolds a truth that should give us tremendous hope—that the promises made to Abraham and the patriarchs are given for us in the church as well (Romans 15:8). This morning we’ll read God’s declaration that He will make Abraham a blessing to all the families of the earth (Genesis 12:1-4),…
The theme of this morning’s service can be found in the very first verses we hear from the Gospel Invitation: “we are His people and the sheep of His pasture” (Psalm 100:3). We’ll sing from Psalm 23 that Jehovah is our shepherd and that His house will be our home (My Shepherd Will Supply My Need—Psalm 23), while Psalm 1…
In today’s sermon text from Romans 12, Paul lays out some ways that the hope that we have in the Gospel works its way into our daily lives. In light of “the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God” which we read about last week, we are to “present our bodies as a living sacrifice” and…
The very first promise of redemption comes immediately after the Fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden. There God declares that the “seed of the woman” would “bruise the head of the serpent” (Genesis 3:16). In the earliest churches, this great promise was artistically represented by mosaics of dragons on floors—upon which everyone in the congregation could step and…
Like most of you, I am grieving the inability to worship together in person—even more acutely during this season leading up to Easter. Waving palms together on Palm Sunday, singing with the choir on Good Friday, and celebrating the Resurrection on Sunday morning with the room packed to standing-room only are some of the sweetest moments of the church year.…
In a time when so much in our world seems uncertain, what a glorious privilege it is to read and sing of the security we have in Christ Jesus! He has set us free (Romans 8:2), and nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:39). Therefore, this morning we can sing with confidence that the almighty Lord will shelter…