Continuing our series on the Ten Commandments, this morning we’ll be looking at the seventh commandment. While obviously applying to fidelity in marriage, the prohibition of adultery is also a comprehensive call to purity before a Holy God. As such, the Scriptures we read and the psalms and hymns we sing encourage us to purity in our thoughts, words, and…
Q. What is required in the sixth commandment? A. The sixth commandment requireth all lawful endeavours to preserve our own life, and the life of others. —Westminster Shorter Catechism, Question 68 The service this morning focuses on the contrast between life and death. We are invited into worship with John 6:35, in which Jesus proclaims, “I am the bread of…
Of all the ten commandments, one could make the argument that none is more offensive to 21st century sensibilities than the fifth. Especially when its broader implications towards ancestors, place, and all legitimate authority are taken into account, “Honor your father and your mother” seems blasphemous to the contemporary mind. In a society that blames all manner of ills on…
In C.S. Lewis’ book The Silver Chair, Aslan gives Jill Pole a list of signs to remember on her quest. Throughout the story, Jill forgets the signs, because she starts to set her mind on finding rest at the giant castle of Harfang. Because Jill chooses to rest at Harfang rather than remembering Aslan’s signs, she almost gets baked into…
Q. What is required in the third commandment? A. The third commandment requireth the holy and reverent use of God’s names, titles, attributes, ordinances, Word, and works. —Westminster Shorter Catechism This morning’s service centers around God’s name—its power, its glory, and the reverence that it is due. Our Call to Worship from Psalm 34 invites us to “exalt His name…
As John Calvin once put it, “The human heart is a perpetual idol factory.” The psalms and hymns we sing this morning encourage us to flee from all forms of idolatry and to focus our worship on the triune God alone. We are called into worship with the classic hymn Praise To The Lord, The Almighty, in which we are…
This morning we begin a new series on God’s Law, as found in Exodus 20. From now until Palm Sunday, we’ll read through each of the ten commandments as the sermon text, and use each of them in our confession of sin. This week, you’ll also notice Jesus’ summary of the Law from Matthew 22 (“You shall love the Lord…
Cameron Clausing (Ph.D., University of Edinburgh) is the Lecturer in Applied Theology and Missional Engagement at Christ College, Sydney. He has been on the full-time staff at Christ College since 2021, prior to which he was a visiting Assistant Professor at Covenant College, Georgia, a Lecturer at Faith Mission Bible College in Edinburgh, an Assistant Pastor at Parish Presbyterian Church…
Christmas is here! Today, we will greet our Lord who is “born this happy morning.” We’ll confess that “the Lord is come,” and we implore the earth to “receive her King.” We’ll declare, “To us, a child of hope is born.” We’ll sing alleluias to the “lovely child, holy child,” and we’ll hail this baby as the “Word made flesh.”…