Fennema family

By now, most know that Mike Fennema is back home after months of rehab for his spinal cord injury at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta.
There is truly no place like home! But for the Fennemas, home is like no place they’ve been before.
Every day presents a new challenge, a different hurdle, another struggle after another night of interrupted sleep.
Along with these difficulties, there are still five young children to care for, a home to maintain, Stephanie’s work outside the home, and ongoing ministry that they are part of.
When talking with Stephanie recently she said that their marriage is strong and their family is strong, but they are really struggling with their day-to-day realities.
Mike and Stephanie both have expressed their deep gratitude for how they have seen the hand of God working in their lives since the accident. They are facing each day with faith and hope that their Father in heaven will provide the grace they need for the path He has called them to. And He does show them grace for each step, each day.

Thanks to the generosity of countless people the Fennema’s GoFundme was able to surpass $86,000! In the Lord’s providence, that money was the exact amount needed to do all of the renovations to the house, to purchase a handicap-accessible van, to pay for some medical expenses not covered by insurance, and to purchase supplies/furniture/equipment needed for Mike to have accommodations in their home. We are in awe and give all praise to the Lord for His mercy and provisions!
One of the ways God has continually provided for them over these last difficult months has been through their local and church community.
Immediately after the accident there was a whirlwind of activity renovating the Fennemas’ home inside and out to accommodate Mike in a wheelchair. Meals, childcare, rides, prayers, hugs, were all provided on schedules and as needed.
Now that Mike is home and most of the renovation work is done, the whirlwind has calmed. But, the need for help has not. The challenge of learning their new normal feels overwhelming; more overwhelming than they ever imagined.
The Fennemas will likely need significant help for many months to come. They’ve been told the entire first year of Mike settling in (after his time at the Spinal Cord Rehab Facility in Atlanta until March) will be extremely intense and taxing in every way.

We need to get word out to as many people as possible that there are still so many needs during this first year at home so that people can find a way to participate in caring for this precious family.
The next urgent need is to develop a plan to financially assist them with their mortgage and income. With Mike at home working through physical therapies to regain as much use of his body as possible during this first year, Stephanie is working both at home and at Mulberry Clinic. Mike isn’t yet able to earn an income. As you can imagine, there is a tremendous amount of pressure financially for them to keep their family of seven going. We are specifically asking for additional support to cover their mortgage; honestly, we’d love to raise enough to pay off entirely their mortgage, Lord willing. But at the least, it will give them time so that Mike can continue to work on growing stronger before he goes back to work.
If you want to to give a tax deductible donation you can make that here just choose the Give to Fennema Family Support
Also, below is a link that can be used (and shared!) to give as each person feels called:
Their other immediate physical needs have been shared with the session of Parish PCA as well as Zion and Cornerstone. In addition, the entire Nashville Presbytery has been alerted. Anyone interested in the specifics of those non-meal needs, non-financial needs may contact one of the Parish elders, Brandon Herrenbruck, at [email protected] or at 615-339-5516.
If you’d like to be up to date on Mike’s progress there are regular posts being made here: