
God has cheered our hearts and minds through His dear Son, whom He gave for us to redeem us from sin, death, and the devil. He who believes this earnestly cannot be quiet about it. But he must gladly and willingly sing. —Martin Luther

Singing is an essential part of our worship. We cannot help but sing in church because God will one day rejoice over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). The book of Psalms (the inspired prayer book and hymnal for the Old Testament church) is our chief source of music for the service, along with a mixture of traditional hymns and contemporary songs. A group of singers and instrumentalists—usually strings, guitars, and piano—support the congregation as they sing.

Music connects us with believers from all ages, while also providing an opportunity for us to “sing a new song to the Lord” (Psalm 98:1). We include 11-12 pieces of music in each service. Some of our music is old, some is new. Some of our music is widely known, and some is regional or specific to our time and place in Middle Tennessee. Parish has also had a tradition of composing and encouraging new music since its inception.

Each week, we endeavor to say one thing throughout the worship service. The Scripture readings, music, and sermon all speak with one voice, with the music supporting the message. We usually open the service with joyful, energetic hymns and psalms which call us to worship God. By contrast, the music surrounding the confession of sin is usually more contemplative. We model our worship on the worship of heaven by singing “Holy, Holy, Holy” (Isaiah 6:3; Revelation 4:8) every week as we come to the table for communion. The music at the end of the service brings the Scripture into our daily lives, reinforcing the Word we have heard preached.

Worship Albums


This is an acoustic demo of a setting of Psalm 15, which we'll be singing in worship all through the month of June. Psalm 15 (STONE MOUNTAIN) Text: based on Psalm 15:1-5, Henry C. Haffner, 2024; Music: STONE MOUNTAIN, Henry C. Haffner, 2024.   Who shall abide in the tents of the Lord, Who shall dwell on His holy hill?…
Psalm 61 (TRAVELLER)

This is a rough demo of a Psalm setting written for Parish Presbyterian in March of 2023. Psalm 61 (TRAVELLER) Text: Psalm 61:1-8, The Psalter with Music, 1900, alt. Henry C. Haffner, 2022; Music: TRAVELLER, Henry C. Haffner, 2022. Lord, hear my voice, my prayer attend, from earth’s remotest bound I send, My broken-hearted cry. When troubles fill my fainting…

O Savior Dear

Here’s a rough demo of a Christmas tune we began singing in 2021 at Parish Presbyterian Church. O Savior Dear Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1653, tr. Paul Kretzman, 1930, alt. 2021. Music: O JESU CHRIST, DEIN KRIPPLEIN IST, Johann Crüger, 1656, alt. Henry C. Haffner, 2021. O Savior dear, Thy manger here my soul shall call a paradise of glory. Here…


Here’s a demo of a psalm setting written for Parish Presbyterian Church. Psalm 20 (STAR POINTER) Text: Psalm 20:1-9, Edward Collier, Lyrics from the Psalter, 1907, alt. Henry C. Haffner, 2021. Music: STAR POINTER, Henry C. Haffner, 2021. The Lord ever hear you when troubles are near; The name of our God keep you safe from all fear. The Lord…


Worship Times

8:30am, 10am, 11:30am

Contact info

(615) 574-1029
Parish Presbyterian Church
4150 Clovercroft Rd.
Franklin, TN 37067
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1593
Franklin, TN 37065
[email protected]




2025 March

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