In the Old Testament God promised that He would send His Son as a sacrifice for every sin. He gave the twelve tribes
of Israel a reminder that He would fulfill His covenant. This morning the writer of Hebrews reminds us that God has
fulfilled His covenant. We join our voices with the whole company of heaven, from old Levitical priests to the engrafted
gentiles, that we no longer need the picture of the sacrifice yet to come. The real sacrifice has been given. Christ, the
heavenly Lamb takes all our sins away. The Lord answered when His people turned to Him and He gave the precious
blood of Jesus to make His people whole again. It is no longer a sinful high priest who lives and pleads for us, but our
Great High Priest whose name is Love. We have been plunged beneath the fountain of Emmanuel’s veins and have
lost all our guilty stains. Because God kept His covenant and gave the perfect spotless righteousness, we can sing,
“Shout on we’re gaining ground!” with the sure knowledge that our Redeemer lives, and He will come again. Glory!
Hallelujah! —Emma Marsh