The Folly of Standing Against Truth

Paul’s description of the “times of difficulty” that Timothy is likely to face in his leadership of the church is rather
distressing. He will face people who are “arrogant,” “abusive,” “brutal,” and “treacherous” (just to list a few of the
adjectives used), who oppose the truth and attempt to deceive the faithful with false teachings. But Paul ends this
passage with a comforting aside: “But they will not get very far…” (vs. 9). He knows that our King will “triumph
evermore” and all His foes will submit (Rejoice, The Lord Is King). Our Lord will break the kings of earth with a rod of
iron (Why Do Gentile Nations Rage—Psalm 2), break the teeth of roaring lions (Do You Decree, O Earthly Gods—Psalm
58), and crush both kings and nations (The Lord Has Spoken To My Lord—Psalm 110). He rose from the grave to see
His foes crushed under His feet, and His victory march will continue through eternity (O Church, Arise). Just like
Timothy, we are also called to live in a world “with devils filled” that “threaten to undo us” (A Mighty Fortress Is Our
God), and we can rest assured that “God has willed His truth to triumph through us.” —Henry C. Haffner


Worship Times

8:30am, 10am, 11:30am

Contact info

(615) 574-1029
Parish Presbyterian Church
4150 Clovercroft Rd.
Franklin, TN 37067
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1593
Franklin, TN 37065
[email protected]




2025 February

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