The Scripture readings, psalms, and hymns chosen for this morning’s service were inspired by several different points in the final section of Acts 7. Just as Stephen chastises the Jewish authorities, declaring that they “always resist the Holy Spirit” (Acts 7:51), the opening hymn warns us not to “resist His will” or “distrust His care” (The Lord Is King). We read a portion of Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the temple (2 Kings 8), which Stephen references in the climax of his address (Acts 7:47). We respond by singing of the loveliness of God’s dwelling place (O Lord Of Hosts, How Lovely—Psalm 84). Stephen’s courage in the face of martyrdom is reflected in hymns and psalms that remind us that Jesus promises to be “with [us] to the end” (‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus) and to be “nigh to them that love His name” (Incarnate God!—Psalm 91). The service concludes with a vision of heaven perhaps like Stephen’s (Acts 7:56), in which he sees “the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” The final two hymns this morning describe the saints in glory who “see God face to face” (Jerusalem, My Happy Home), rising triumphantly in bright array to sing alleluias to the King of Glory (For All The Saints). —Henry C. Haffner
Posted by Henry Haffner
Categories: Worship Notes