In this morning’s sermon text, John contrasts truth with lies (1 John 2:21, 27). Addressing a fearful audience that is
opposed by deceitful “antichrists” in the “last hour,” he urges his readers to hold fast to the truth of Christ, and
comforts them with the knowledge that “what you heard from the beginning abides in you” (1 John 2:24). Because
Christ is the “true vine” (John 15:1) and we are the branches bearing the fruit of His love, we have strength to resist the
“Prince of Darkness” (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God) and the “idols made of silver and gold” (Not Unto Us—Psalm
115). Because He “lives and doth within me dwell” (I Know That My Redeemer Lives), we can say with confidence, “I
will not be greatly shaken” (My Soul Waits In Expectation—Psalm 62). Taking John’s advice to heart, throughout the
service we pray asking the Lord to “take [His] truth, plant it deep in us” (Speak, O Lord), to dwell with us as our “true
word” (Be Thou My Vision), and to “direct and keep us from error’s gloomy night” (Abide, O Dearest Jesus).
—Henry C. Haffner