Advent is usually observed as a season of confession, preparation, and anticipation, looking forward to the birth of Christ on Christmas Day. You’ll notice several elements in the service this morning that are different from other times of the year: candles are lit during the Call to Worship, purple accents adorn the bulletin and the pulpit, Scripture readings are done responsively, and a time of silent prayer follows our corporate confession of sin. Three short musical responses fill out the center section of the service, in which we ask for mercy and peace (Clovercroft Agnus Dei), we say “Amen, Amen” to the assurance of pardon (Dresden Amen), and we join with the angels in heaven to say “we give You thanks for Your great glory” (Clovercroft Gloria). There is also an insert in the bulletin with a series of daily scripture readings, which you can use at home with your family throughout the season. I hope these added elements help prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus—the “light of light” who descended from the realms of endless day to vanquish powers of Hell, and the “sun of righteousness” who brings light and life to all His people. —Henry C. Haffner
Posted by Henry Haffner
Categories: Worship Notes