Learning From Trials

Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed…
—1 Corinthians 15:51

In this morning’s sermon text, Paul continues his theme of comfort by recounting some of his trials, trials so burdensome that he “despaired of life itself.” But he urges the Corinthians to set their hope on “God who raises the dead.” We face affliction, just as Paul did, but we have his same hope. Though we live in a world where the reality of death often seems to veil our Savior’s face, He abides with us still. Jesus hears our sighs and counts our tears, just as He wept with Mary and Martha—and He calls us up from the tomb along with Lazarus. He has conquered death, it reigns no more, and its sting is lost forever. Because He presides over the death of deaths and hell’s destruction, our anxious fears are transformed into songs of praises. Christ’s comfort swallows up death in victory. For all who grieve, the greatest comfort is relying on the God who, as Psalm 68 puts it, brings “deliverance from death.” —Henry C. Haffner & Emma Marsh


Worship Times

8:30am, 10am, 11:30am

Contact info

(615) 574-1029
Parish Presbyterian Church
4150 Clovercroft Rd.
Franklin, TN 37067
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1593
Franklin, TN 37065
[email protected]




2025 February

Week 4

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