
We Believe in Biblical Worship

Worship is central because God is central. The grace of God in Jesus nourishes every other aspect of the Christian life. Discipleship, fellowship, service, and mission flow from worship. We learn how to worship from God himself as He speaks in the Bible. In worship, we read His word, sing His word, preach His word, pray His word, and see His word in water, bread, and wine. Worship waters every other plot of the Christian life.

We Depend on God in the Ordinary Means of Grace

Jesus grows His church by the ordinary means of grace. In other words, God meets us in His word. He inhabits the praises of His people, and He is with us when two or three are gathered in His name. He delights to answer our prayers. He nourishes us in the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. In these common practices, we grow in grace.

We Dwell as a Body formed by God's Covenant

God has brought us together by his covenant of grace. We find our unity first in the worship of God: from worship flows fellowship. The church is a family of families, children included. We aim to help one another raise our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, that they may set their hope in God. For Christian fellowship, there is no substitute for sharing a meal! We need to actually know each other and be known.

We Aim to Match our Words with our Deeds

We pray that God’s kingdom would come and His will would be done on earth as it is in heaven. One of the best ways to make disciples is to plant new churches. Our church is committed to evangelism both near and far, and we want to show God’s glory both by our words and our deeds. We long for worship of the Triune God to spread to the ends of the earth.


Worship Times

8:30am, 10am, 11:30am

Contact info

(615) 574-1029
Parish Presbyterian Church
4150 Clovercroft Rd.
Franklin, TN 37067
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1593
Franklin, TN 37065
[email protected]




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