Week 1: Justification Through Faith Alone In Christ Alone

Intro to Galatians & Chapter 1-Elder Tom Goddard



Overview & Chapter 1                                                                                                    1


Introduction – Why Galatians?


Overview Goals

Basics – Who, What, When, Where, Why

Overview – Be familiar with Galatians from an overall perspective

Themes – Identify key themes and ideas to guide us as we go into the chapters

Applications – Begin thinking about how Galatians applies to us today


Purpose – To defend the true gospel of grace against the counterfeit gospel of works.



Who? Written by Paul to churches in Galatia:  New believers, mixed Jews & Gentiles

Judaizers – Said Gentile must become Jewish to be Christians   Acts 15:1

What? Letter for churches in an area to counter error and a counterfeit gospel

When? Among Paul’s earliest letters, after 1st missionary journey, likely before the Jerusalem council in Acts 15, so about 48-49 AD.

Where?  South Asia Minor, most likely.  Roman province of Galatia.

Mentioned in Acts, but as a region, not a city; “to the churches of Galatia”

South – mentioned in Acts as cities of Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, and Phyrgia

Why? Paul is troubled about what he’s hearing so soon after leaving them

“Another gospel” – a counterfeit gospel, is harming the churches.


Simple Outline

Introduction 1:1-10 – Paul Astonished

Source- The Gospel is Authentic    1:11 –  2:21

Defenses of the Gospel against perversion and of Paul’s apostolic authority

Defense – The Gospel is Superior 3:1 – 4:31

Bondage vs. Freedom, Legalism vs. Justification, Works vs. Faith

Impact – The Gospel is Liberating   5:1 – 6:10

Do good; Bear each other’s burdens; Walk in the Spirit; Serve through love

Conclusion   6:11-18  Boasting in the Cross of Christ


Key Phrases, Repeated Words, Themes


Bondage, Liberty

Legalism, “another gospel”

Freedom – How does a slave live when liberated?

Legalism & works vs. Faith & grace

Warnings against leaving the gospel

Place and right use of the Law


What is the Gospel?

82 ref. in NT; more with the word, not the phrase

I Cor 15:1-4, Luke 4:18, Rom 1:16


Application Thoughts

We’re all tempted to desert the gospel – how?

We’re all tempted to add to the gospel – how?

We’re all tempted to trade our freedom for bondage – how?



Overview & Chapter 1                                                                                                   2


 Chapter 1


1:1-5 – Greetings 

Paul’s claim of apostolic authority

Clear statement of the gospel at the outset




1:6-9 – Rebuke

Compare greetings from some of Paul’s other epistles:

Eph 1:3ff, 1:15-16, Phil 1:3-6,   Col 1:3ff

Why does Paul begin as he does?

What is being deserted?

Accursed, anathema – Why repeated?




1:10-24 – Paul’s Apostolic Authority


10-12 – Gospel from Christ

Approval of men vs Approval of God

“I received it through the revelation of Christ” – Why stated here?


13-17 – Paul’s Conversion

Previous life as a persecutor of the church

Set apart before birth, called by grace

Why does Paul include his conversion story here?


18-24 – Paul’s Ministry

Three years in Arabia

Visits Peter in Jerusalem

Unknown to the churches in Judea

Why dos Paul state all of this? And protest the doesn’t lie?



Why does Paul spend so much effort defending himself?

(Note that discrediting Paul is still a tactic of Christ’s foes.)


If any person thinks that we are thus straining the matter too far, let him attend to the two following reasons. First, the question could not be settled without assuming the general principle, that we are justified by the free grace of God; and this principle sets aside not only ceremonies, but every other kind of works. Secondly, Paul did not attach so much importance to Ceremonies as to the wicked doctrine of obtaining Salvation by Works. Let it be observed, therefore, that Paul had good reasons for recurring to first principles. It was necessary to go to the fountain, and to warn his readers that the controversy related, not to some insignificant trifle, but to the most important of all matters — the method of obtaining salvation. – Calvin


Next Week:  Chapter 2



Header Image digitally reproduced with the permission of the Papyrology Collection, University of Michigan Library.


Worship Times

8:30am, 10am, 11:30am

Contact info

(615) 574-1029
Parish Presbyterian Church
4150 Clovercroft Rd.
Franklin, TN 37067
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1593
Franklin, TN 37065
[email protected]




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