Here at Parish, we want to support our women to think biblically and live covenantally. We have created events and resources to help each woman in whatever walk of life she may be in. Come back to this page often to see what’s new, and to get involved!
“But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine…Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women…” — Titus 2:1, 3-4
Think Biblically
Bible Study
We meet to study Scripture and/or Doctrine together at various times and seasons of the year:
This Winter/Spring: The Whole Christ
Please join us for the next Winter/Spring Women’s Bible Study as we work through the Ligonier Ministries video/workbook series by Sinclair Ferguson, The Whole Christ. This 12-week-series offers a glimpse into church history as a platform for understanding all facets of the Good News. We will see that all the benefits we might seek from Christ are found IN Christ, and they flow from the loving Father-heart of God. As Dr. Ferguson says:
This is salvation by grace alone, in Christ alone, through faith alone. It is Ephesians 1:3–14, Christ-centered, Trinity-honoring, eternity-rooted, redemption-providing, adoption-experiencing, holiness-producing, assurance-effecting, God-glorifying salvation.”
Women's Bible Study meets weekly on Tuesdays at Parish from 10:00 - 11:30 am; and 6:30 - 8:00 pm, except the last Tuesday of each month, which is reserved for women's discipleship groups, Winter term runs from January 7 to April 15.
Childcare is provided free of charge for the morning sessions.
Click on the link below for more information and to sign up.
Planning is currently underway for the Summer session – stay tuned!!
Live Covenantally
Discipleship Groups
Women's Discipleship Groups meet the last Tuesday of every month in place of that week's Women's Bible Study.
These groups provide a means for women to deepen their relationships through regular study, prayer, and discussion in small groups. Use the contact form below to get connected with a group in your area.
Women's Ministry
Opportunities to Serve
Meals Team

The Meals Team supports the covenant community in times of transition, grief, or celebration through providing meals. Membership in this group is a great way to get to know others in the church better as you lovingly deliver a meal. (Galatians 6:2)
If you want to learn more or join this team, click the button below.

The Hospitality Team provides the congregation with opportunities to build relationships and pass along the value of parish life to upcoming generations through planning events such as potlucks, baby showers, Lententide and Kingdomtide dinners. (Philippians 2:3-4)
If you want to learn more or join this team, click the button below.
Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the house of the Lord for worship according to the church calendar and assists the diaconate with the beatification of the grounds. The Altar Guild of Parish Presbyterian Church is the orthopraxy to our orthodoxy. (Philippians 4:8-9)
If you want to learn more or join this team, click the button below.

The Emmaus Team shows the love of Christ to those in our community who have disabilities or special needs. Currently, we offer buddies to children with disabilities during both services and Sunday school. (Luke 24:15-16)
If you want to learn more or join this team, click the button below.
Events Team

The Events team helps to plan, organize, and execute all women’s ministry events including our Women’s Tea, Fall Kick Off, and Christmas Party.
If you want to learn more or join this team, click the button below.
Socials & Resources
Facebook Group
Are you on Facebook? We would love to connect with you there in our private Parish Ladies Facebook Group!
GroupMe Chat
Stay Connected: Women’s Ministry GroupMe Chat
If you haven’t, now’s the time to join the Women’s Ministry GroupMe Chat for all women of Parish!
This chat is a great way to connect in real time with other women in the church. All you have to do is download the GroupMe app on your phone and then scan this code to join.

Looking for great resources?
The PCA Women’s Ministry site has tons of great resources for thinking biblically and living covenantally. Check them out for ways and resources to dive deeper in your walk with Jesus.
Women's Leadership
Marta Scheenstra
Heather Easterday
Ginny Morrison
Nancy Green
Rebecca Faires
Hannah Proaps
Amy Shore
Dana Cowherd
Helen Soyster
Dara Easterday
Calendar & events
Below you can find our Women’s Ministry events. We invite you to join us!
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Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Please visit the Events page to see the All Church Calendar.